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Post by Geoniesis Wed Sep 15, 2010 3:23 pm

Hey all newcomers, it’s Geoniesis, your hopefully soon be beloved admin. This site has been a while in the making and I'll be happy to see it running the way I hope it will. However, a site is only as good as it’s members—they’re the life and blood of the forum!
Now, all RP sites have to have rules so there isn't mindless killing going on nonstop...though if you can justify it IC its alloud. These, however, are just the basics and the ethics so that no one is offended by another cause we don't want that...unless it’s to Talos.

1. All things with moderation.
I, for one, in real life swear like a trucker but when Rping, if I can tone it down as to not offend anyone, so can you. Swearing will be allowed but please, in good taste—don't go dropping F-bombs everywhere just because you can.

2. Keep it age appropriate!
This means nothing beyond a perverted glance or a kiss there could be children on this site and I don't want to scar them for life, or even for the 5 to 10 seconds until they find out they like it.

3. Admins are people too...{1}
Well we do have gods under our control, but that will be explained later. The point is, don't beg us to check your characters app or techniques when you've just posted them. Though we don't have lives we, do have other things to do besides be your slaves.

4. Admins are people too...{2}
We make mistakes too, so please if you see a mistake or a flaw send us a PM so we can discuss it and hopefully improve the site.

5. Separation of IC and OOC!
PLEASE don't get mad at someone for something his or her character does or says IC.

6. No God-Modding!
This is a MAJOR PISS OFF. If you don't know what God-Modding is, go look it up on Wikipedia. Though, basically, it is having your character do things they can’t or controlling another player’s character (Talos is exempt from controlling rule, because he's just that epic).

7. Metagaming Prohibited!
Meta Gaming is using outside knowledge your IC doesn't have. It is seen as a form of God-Modding.

8. Posting
This one shouldn't even have to be listed, but unless you can create a duplicate of yourself, please refrain from posting in two areas at once, as to not cause confusion and conflicts.[/size]

Those are the basics; now you can go on and read the advanced rules if you haven't.

Best RP wishes, your Admins.

Posts : 95
Join date : 2010-09-13

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